Our Services

employee wellness training package. We execute our craft.
Employee Wellness Services
Life in and outside work is a series of choices. For people and teams to continually perform at their best, everyone’s mental wellbeing needs to be in tact. As well as optimising performance, through sound emotional wellbeing, research shows there is an inextricable link between distracted minds and workplace injuries and incidents. That’s why mental health is front and centre in all we do.
Manual Handling Injuries cost the Australian economy close to $28 Billion every year. Of the 90% of non-disease related claims, 45% were injuries caused by manual handling.
Delivered by R&R Corporate Health Mental Health Experts, our REACH for Mental Health Course not only enables staff to recognise and better deal with compromised mental health in their workplace, but explores the reasons why.
It’s important to realise that in the heat of battle, employees and teams are often not operating at their best. What teams need to do every now and then is get off the dance floor, pause, take a breath, reflect and project. This is what R&R Corporate Health team building is all about.
Poor nutrition, low hydration, and lack of exercise can negatively affect all aspects of our lives. This includes physical, mental & emotional wellbeing. You can improve your workplaces lifestyle through education.
The bio-impedance internal health testing machine gives us a definitive method of measuring employee engagement and blowing us away by how much it motivates employees towards optimal health.
We have an innate understanding of the logistics of onsite preventative maintenance programs and understand how to skillfully achieve optimal outcomes.
Clients engage our change management consulting services, for our ability to help people effectively communicate, accept and embrace change across their organisation. We enact culture change for business and employee wellbeing.
Today R&R Corporate Health continues to deliver onsite massage on an ongoing basis, at events and conferences, or as a means for leaders to reward their team for their efforts and positive results.
This preventative and worthwhile initiative involves efficient and specific range of movement testing that results in collection of confidential, de-identified data that provides businesses with a staff/team health and functional profile, and ultimately an injury risk profile of workgroups.
At R&R Corporate Health, we have facilitators trained in the use of The HBDI, Whole Brain Thinking Profiling Model. It’s not so much about personality, it’s about who we are and why we are who we are.
Get in touch.
Let’s set up a time to work out what we can potentially do to assist you and your business.